Plymouth Rock is a project space organized by Mitchell Anderson. It was established in 2014 and is based in Zürich, Switzerland.
Plymouth Rock ist ein Kunstraum von Mitchell Anderson organisierter. Sie wurde 2014 gegründet und hat ihren Sitz in Zürich, Schweiz.
Plymouth Rock is a project space organized by Mitchell Anderson. It was established in 2014 and is based in Zürich, Switzerland.
Plymouth Rock ist ein Kunstraum von Mitchell Anderson organisierter. Sie wurde 2014 gegründet und hat ihren Sitz in Zürich, Schweiz.
+41 (0) 79 483 5258
Artificial Selection
November 7 - December 12, 2015
Opening Friday, November 6 19:00 - 21:00
My name is Colonel Billie Faye Woodard of the United States Air Force. I am not the biological offspring of my Father, but an adopted child as was my Sister, both of us hermaphrodites. It is my knowledge through my Guide Zora, an Inner Earth scientist who is 150,000 years old, that my Sister and myself are originally from the Inner Earth, that our true parents live in the Inner Earth. When our Father took us in as adopted children we did not speak a language known to any surface culture.
At the age of 12, while walking through a field of corn with another friend I had a paranormal experience. I was taken into a UFO vehicle and transported into the Inner Earth. Here, I lived for 6 months among the Hollow Earth residents. You may imagine the wonder of my parents especially of my Father who was in the Military Service, at that time when I disappeared, then to mysteriously return in 6 months. It was due to this experience that I believe my Father made certain that I was engaged under his wing at the Pentagon and later directed to serve at Area 51.
I was first stationed at Area 51, Nevada, Jan.28, 1971 through 1982. In that period of service I visited the Hollow Interior of the Earth six times, 800 miles deep. Upon my arrival to Area 51 I was indoctrinated to the existence of tunnels beneath Area 51, and soon after I met several of the Underground Shuttle Operators that have a stature of 13 to 14 feet in height. These tunnels, that transverse the world, are built by a species of beings who have existed here before we, a very long time.
In order to locate an entrance to the Inner Earth, where ever you are underground, all that you need is your compass. The compass will spin as if you are standing at the North Pole at the tunnel entrance to the Inner Earth.
When I left the Military Service, I no longer had a means of going into the Hollow Earth. It was necessary that I seek another way. I, and a party of interested seekers, rented a plane which took us to the very rim of the North Pole.
The people of the interior were very free with showing me around, very articulate in showing you what is exactly going on – they do not hold anything back. They always ask permission when working with Nature, they ask the plants for permission before consuming them or cutting them down, they ask the Mother Earth before they build on it, and do so build with the lay of the land which best suits their environment, a practice similar to the American Indians; therefore seeking to preserve a harmonious state at all times; wanting to be one with Nature at all times; they are more spiritually advanced than surface dwellers and greatly respect Mother Earth.
The atmosphere is crystal clear, as a rule there are at times clouds, but nothing like rain clouds. The temperature is a constant 73 degrees.
The people in the interior speak directly with the animals, and the animals speak directly to the people of the interior.
There is no need for hoarding, for everything is free, no need to create in abundance as everything is ample. A process of bartering is more common than trade in money.
This is basically a utopian culture with no depression leading into violence. No parties seeking to make war and gain dominance over each other. There are none richer nor poorer.
There are aero-ships (we term on the surface as flying saucers) in which a part of themselves, a part of their personality goes into the creation of the aero-ship through the process of thought, due to their very powerful minds. This makes the aero-ships perfect in design and execution in motion. Only a few persons of the surface have these similar abilities to create, due to the repression of these abilities in childhood by religion, education, and family fears. The people of the interior are allowed to enter the space of their imagination, if you will, and there they create. Disease will not enter their bodies – for it is not allowed.
As surface Humanity enters into the coming 4th dimensional phase, the Inner Earth people will come forward and more deeply work with us on the surface. People on the surface are presently so involved with the sense of “me” that they can not live together harmoniously.

Technical illustrations by Manoj Bhargav