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November 9, 2024 - January 31, 2025

Opening Friday, November 8

Of the classical Western instruments it's only the piano that masters both the concert stage and intimate gathering. A ubiquitous luxury operating as social object. Straddling the private and public, aesthetic with varied aesthetic use. Using the visuals of sound filled threshold spaces, Coulthurst, here, points to possibilities within the inabilities of his medium and an aspiration to eclipse. A silence of oil and canvas where the muteness of melody becomes subject itself. Originating from a specific place, the show is a quiet collective portrait. Yet, in their individualities these canvases reach wide across the traditions of painting: portrait and landscape, pattern and geometric abstraction. Pianos and bars and paintings are platforms to perform and voyeur. Each relates something of the hunt. Predators on the prowl and prey circling watering holes. Even before culture patterns signified and sorted, wild abstract pelts and weather’s everyday miracles. Rainbows and cheetah print. Aspirational places for a vodka or a date, where the music feels alright even when it can’t be heard. 

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